CCIS XML Rules Overview

It is important to understand the rules to which One IYSS adheres in producing the monthly NCCIS XML. NCCIS requires data for a specific set, or cohort, of clients to be returned.

The XML file uses codes, not English language descriptors. For example, clients’ individual circumstances are reported using the codes below:

  • 110 – Looked after children
  • 120 – Parent - caring for own child
  • 130 – Refugee/Asylum seeker
  • 140 – Carer - not own child
  • 150 – Substance misuser
  • 160 – Care leaver
  • 170 – Supervised by YoT
  • 180 – Pregnant
  • 190 – Parent – not caring for own child.

This document explains how key One IYSS descriptors are mapped to CCIS values.

XML Cohort Rules

For more information on the XML cohort, refer to field YP10 and the Cohort chapter in the latest NCCIS Management Information Requirements document.

IMPORTANT: The XML extract to the DfE should only cover young persons with a cohort status (YP10) of P or G. Of clients of compulsory education age, only those in their final year of compulsory education should be returned. Clients who leave the cohort (with a status of A, L, T, E, M or D) should only be reported on once (see Clients Leaving the Cohort)  
The academic age 16-17 cohort should have little variance from one month to the next.

The XML should only contain clients who:

  • Have a Lead LA (tbClient.idLeadLEA) equal to either Lead LEA1 or Lead LEA2 system values.
  • Belong to one of the following age groups:
    • Compulsory education age
    • Academic age 16-17
    • Academic age 18-24 with a special educational need or disability and a current EHC plan.
  • Have a current situation group that is not Moved out of Contact.

SEND Status

SEND status (tbClient.btIsspecialNeeds) is set as follows:

  • Academic age 11 or younger: BTISSPECIALNEEDSCLIENT=1 (true) where the current SEN Provision is A, P, S, E or O.
  • Academic age 12 or older: BTISSPECIALNEEDSCLIENT=1 (true) where current SEN Provision is S or O.